Marlo Holsten to help students bring magic to the stage

Marlo Holsten looks forward to working with and challenging our students as our new performing arts teacher to transform our stage into a magical place where they feel like they’ve truly accomplished, mastered, or succeeded in their goals. “I’m most looking forward to sharing the arts and hoping to inspire some really amazing kids! Fostering a community where creativity is nurtured on a daily basis and all forms of arts can come together, lift each other up, and celebrate talents in the spirit of sharing.”

For the past two decades, Holsten has had the opportunity to be a part of multiple theatrical organizations. She co-founded The Greenville Theater Project and Ooops Comedy Improv, which focused on comedic performance to raise funds for local charitable organizations. At Magnolia Arts Center, she served as a performer, director, board member, and teacher. She’s also worked as both a performer and director for multiple shows at Farmville Community Arts Center and performs regularly with a local improv troupe at the Turnage Theater in Washington. By working with all these organizations it’s been her goal to help create a supportive and cohesive arts community in our area. “I believe creativity allows us to open our minds wider, see the unique wonder in the moment, and truly enjoy what life has to offer.” Holsten has also been a cast trainer at Walt Disney World and worked with the founder of Streetmosphere and leader of interactive improvisational performance for Disney. In New York, she performed classic works by Shakespeare, wrote and performed original plays, and entertained with atmospheric improvisation.

Holsten started teaching while she attended college because she felt like she had something to share. “Through my experiences performing and directing through the years in Florida, New York, and North Carolina, I’ve found I developed a passion for impactful storytelling and comedic timing. I believe we can teach profound lessons and inspire critical thinking through storytelling and humor that can greatly benefit how students might see the world around them.” Her approach? “We learn as we go through play. After I’ve set the ground rules I want my group to explore within the guidelines, start to find out who they are creatively, celebrate it, and see how far they can push themselves as they hone their evolving skills.”

Holsten has a bachelor of science in communication and electronic journalism with a minor in art from East Carolina University. Away from the classroom she loves to spend time with her family and their many pets! She also likes to paint, dance, and travel whenever she can.
