Elaine Hughes adds photography to the arts department

Elaine Hughes’ passion for photography started in high school; now she looks forward to the rewards that come with sharing that passion with our students in the newest course added to our arts department which includes ceramics, chorus, drawing, instrumental music, painting, sculpting and welding, theatre, and woodworking.

Hughes acknowledges that there are resources for students who wish to learn photography on their own. “However, it is much more fun to learn with others,” she said. “I have some fun activities planned to help provide the practice needed while focusing on various aspects of becoming a seasoned photographer.” She likes to meet students where they are and encourage them to push themselves to not only increase their knowledge, but to also better themselves. “All of my life I have loved working one-on-one with others, to share knowledge I have that helps them understand something they are struggling with. I look forward to doing this in a group setting and seeing the ‘light bulb’ come on when a student truly understands.”

Hughes earned her bachelor of science from the University of North Carolina Greensboro majoring in child development and family relations with a minor in psychology. She also has a certification in professional photography from the New York Institute of Photography. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, get-togethers with friends, watching Hallmark movies (schmaltzy love stories!), and playing games. She and her husband Joe like to travel and Elaine tries to include a stop on each trip if possible: an escape room. “I love the challenge of forcing my mind to think in different ways.”

“I try to live my life focussing on the blessings that God showers on me daily,” she shared. “They are there, especially when I look for them. When problems happen, I do my best to solve them and then move on. I can’t change what has already happened, but I certainly can try to make sure tomorrow is a better day.” Her husband’s experience as a faculty member over the past three years influenced her decision to bring her experience and passion to our students. “He comes home happy every day; partly because he loves what he does, but also because the atmosphere at the school is so positive. I am honored and excited to become part of the JPII family!”
