Dress Code

Students attending John Paul II Catholic High School are expected to be appropriately dressed. A student’s attire should reflect the Christian values of modesty and respect for the individual person and the school community at all times while on campus and at all school-sponsored activities.

Students must come dressed for school (they cannot dress at their locker or in the bathroom) and are expected to abide by the dress code at all times during the school day. Students are required to comply with all staff instructions regarding dress and appearance. If a student is not following dress code guidelines, the appropriate disciplinary action will be applied. Questions about this policy should be directed to the dean of students.

  • If a student is wearing outerwear that includes a hood, at no time should the hood be on their head.
  • Clothing must fit appropriately. Anything that is overly tight or form-fitting is not considered modest and therefore not acceptable. Clothes should also not be too baggy, ripped, or tattered. There should be no cleavage and no bare midriffs, whether this is caused by tops “rising up” or bottoms “riding down.”
  • At no time are the following items appropriate to wear during the school day: hats inside the building, pajamas, cargo shorts or pants, sweatpants, athletic pants, or short running shorts.
  • Only modest piercings are allowed.
  • Any hairstyle that causes a disturbance in the learning environment is not allowed. If a student dyes their hair, it must be of a natural color.
  • Tattoos must be covered at all times.

Staff reserves the right to determine at any time if any piece of clothing, jewelry, or anything worn by the student is unacceptable in the school environment and may ask the student to change or remove it.

The daily dress code is as follows:

  • tops: JPII spirit wear or a gray, navy blue, light blue, white, or light yellow polo (no embroidered logo is necessary); JPII outerwear if desired
  • bottoms: modest, solid navy blue or khaki:
    • shorts: 5” or more inseam
    • skirts (ladies only): no higher than 3 inches above the knee
    • slacks, including joggers
  • shoes: for safety and liability purposes, students must wear closed-toe and closed-back shoes (ex: sneakers, boots, Hey Dudes, topsiders, etc.). No Crocs or slides.

Dress Code Resources
